個人化選頌缽服務 Choose your singing bowl
請進入連結填寫選缽表格「 https://www.emailmeform.com/builder/form/eae63jsicm9x1dX 」,填寫妥當並確認完成網店繳費程序後,我們將因應你對頌缽的特別要求,為你揀選3個頌缽作聲音示範,並於3個工作天內電郵給你。
即時去片﹕Thank you for choosing us. Please click into the provided link and complete the form 「 https://www.emailmeform.com/builder/form/eae63jsicm9x1dX 」, we will select three singing bowls according to your need and email the sound clips to you within 3 working days.
A service fee of HK$200 will be charged and which is non-refundable. Your request will only be processed once your payment is confirmed. When you make a purchase over than HK$1200, the service charge will be waived.